Quickmade products in X-Plane 11/12 driver
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GitHub: Releases · cpuwolf/Quickmadedevice (github.com)
(baidu) NetDisk in China : Qmdev (China only)
Release Notes
- Core Changes: New log system can accurately measure in unit ms, for example, 10 21:27:58.730 support encrypted Lua .sec files, needs software activation on Win/Lin/Mac add Lua API uluaAddToggleMenu(), customers can dynamically create a menu from scripts. This provides flexibility of scripts programming. details API as below https://github.com/cpuwolf/Quickmadedevice/wiki/Qmdev-.lua-files#uluaaddtogglemenu Add feature of human speak, and have a menu to disable this feature Windows USB hot plug bug fix Linux USB hot plug bug fix Scripts Changes: Toliss Airbus X-Plane 12 A319/A320/A321/A330/A340 update to date and power sync with cold&dark Toliss A330 QMPE ELEC /AC/DC new idea Add back compatible of XP11 […]
- Core Changes: Add menu disable auto update fix USB hot-plug detection crashes on some machines USB device operation performance optimization, meaning Lower CPU usage Add QMPE device Rename Lua API uluaEvent -> uluaWriteCmd, uluaQmdevRegisterKey -> uluaQmdevBindKeyCmd, uluaQmdevAssignKey -> uluaQmdevBindKeyDo Add double rolling log files: qmdev.log and qmdev.1.log Scripts Changes: Re-struct scripts code, for easy scripts customization (huge change) Add QMPE Toliss/FF320/others Installer Changes: fix X-Plane 12 G1000 variants for QG1k (WIn)
- Core Changes: add supporting Dual QCDU(s) add FO(First Officer) mode (can be selected from XP addon menu) Lua scripts Changes: add Toliss QCDU FO mode add FF320 QCDU FO mode add ZIBO QCDU FO mode add IXEG QCDU FO mode add FF757/767 QCDU FO mode add more default XP12 A330 QFCU adaption fix Toliss QCDU BRT/DIM buttons fix XP12 ZIBO QMCP737C electric power sync fix Toliss QFCU electric power not sync in corner cases How to enable QCDU FO mode for X-Plane 11/12 https://www.quickmadesim.com/?p=988&lang=en
6.2 :
- fix qmdev crashing x-plane
6.1 New feature:
- add Toliss A320 NEO for QCDU and QFCU
- add GUI for scripts file preparation
- fix Flightfactor 757/767 bugs
- fix MACOS bugs: cannot quit X-Plane 11/12 sometimes
- fix the annoying new version pop-up
6.0 New feature:
- Compatible with X-Plane 12
5.0 New feature:
- Installation only, no settings.
- Rewind core code to improve system compatibility
- Write a script interpreter, no longer need Flywithlua plugin
- Added delay start, filter conflict, better compatibility
Compatible Aircraft:
- QMCP737C
- Zibo Boeing 737-800
- Level-up Boeing 736/737/739
- IXEG 737-300
- Flightfactor 757/767/777
- MAX team design 737MAX10
- General Aviation aricrafts GA C172/C150/B350 (Partial function)
- Flightfactor 320
- Toliss A319/A321
- Toliss A340
- JARDesign A330/A320
- QGMC710
- Hotstart TBM-900
- and General Aviation aircrafts
- QCDU B737/A320
- Zibo Boeing 737-800
- Level-up Boeing 736/737/739
- IXEG 737-300
- Flightfactor 757/767/777
- Flightfactor FF320
- and General Aviation aircrafts
- hotstart TBM-900
- and General Aviation aircrafts with G1000
More CpuWolf (github) :https://github.com/cpuwolf/Quickmadedevice