here is the animation you will experience when you install QmdevSimConnect for MSFS2020.
What is QmdevSimConnect?
QmdevSimConnect is a one-time installation software designed for interaction with MSFS2020. At the same time, it controls all Quickmade produced hardware QGMC710/QG1K/QFCU/QMCP737C/QCDU etc.
Where to get QmdevSimConnect?
How to install QmdevSimConnect?
the installation of QmdevSimConnect is via an installer.
the installer will firstly uninstall old version of QmdevSimConnect,
then continue to install new version.
and the final step is to online activate the software, please make sure your Quickmade flight simulation hardware devices are connected to your PC
Where are QmdevSimConnect files located?
After installation, QmdevSimConnect files are located under your MSFS2020 community folder. folder name is Qmdev_sc
I am noble to install it on MS windows 11 , any advise
nothing about Win11. your OS device drivers has ben contaminated.