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Customize Qmdev for any aircraft

After installation of Qmdev, in your X-Plane 11/12 Resources\plugins\qmdev\data folder, all .lua files are open-sourced.

you can add/modify .lua for any aircraft you want.

it is always fun to learn something new, use this opportunity to learn Lua programming language

X-Plane DataRef

The key to accessing X-Plane Flight simulation platform aircraft data is to access X-Plane aircraft DataRef

there is a very useful tool

choose Lua scripts Editor

Lua scripts files are basically Pure Text Files you can edit it with any Text Editor.

Never use Microsoft Word to edit Lua scripts

you can use Windows built-in Notepad to edit the Lua script. But as an experienced programmer, I would recommend a few editor options:–/releases

Lua simplest demo

create a .lua file inside Resources\plugins\qmdev\data folder, name it as simpletest.lua, put below only one line to simpletest.lua

uluaQmdevConfig(6, 'DFKEY;27;1;0;"cpuwolf/qmdev/QCDU-A320/leds/fail"')

the meaning is press/release QCDU-A320 number “1” will toggle QCDU-A320 fail light on/off

Reload lua scrips

You don't need to restart X-Plane to take effect

reload lua scripts is a must after your revised any .lua scrips, “Reload files” inside X-Plane Plugins menu->qmdev

Qmdev Lua API document

Qmdev Debug Demo

here is a old demo how to control Quickmade device QMCP737C by few clicks

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